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Creation of edible gardens for individuals - businesses - schools

Plant tomorrow today

Permaculture in schools

"Cultivating your edible garden is not just about producing your vegetables, it is learning to be amazed at the mystery of life."

Pierre Rabhi

Vestaculture has permaculture experts ready to help children and grownups alike to become matter experts. There’s nothing like learning by doing as it creates awareness. If you’re interested, we’d be happy to meet.

Gardening teaches through experience. It fosters independence, social integration, sharing. It helps kids bloom and teaches them about patience, the rhythm of nature as well as physical and mental fortitude.

If you think a vegetable garden would be good for your school

"When the child notices that the plant without watering dies, he begins to feel invested with a mission in his life: this is not dictated by the voice of his parents or his teachers but it is the voice of the world."  -  Joëlle Zask - Democracy in the fields

"If you give a man a fish he will eat one day;

if you teach him to fish he will always eat "

African proverb        

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